How are ADUs currently regulated in Tucson?
- “Accessory dwelling unit” is not a defined term in the Unified Development Code (UDC). In fact, the code currently states that accessory structures within residential zones may not be a dwelling unit.
- Accessory sleeping quarters/guest house are allowed, provided other regulations are met, however, a full kitchen in the unit is not permitted, as sleeping quarters are not intended to be a self-contained unit.
- A second dwelling unit is allowed in certain districts, depending on the lot size and ability to meet other zoning regulations. Minimum lot size requirements and density regulations make it difficult to develop ADUs on most standard size lots in urban residential districts.
On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Unified Development Code to allow ADUs. Staff presented the draft proposal and an overview of the process to date for the Planning Commission to review and discuss. At that meeting, the Planning Commission voted 10-0 to continue the public hearing until Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 6 pm, to allow for the public to have additional opportunity to comment on the ADU proposal.
The Planning Commission held a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, September 15 at 6pm to take additional public comment related to the proposed amendment to the Unified Development Code to allow ADUs. After hearing from seventeen speakers, and receiving over 100 written comments, the Commission voted 9-0 to recommend the proposal as presented by staff, with additional recommendations to Mayor and Council to develop programs to provide resources and technical support to make ADUs more affordable, and evaluate the program in 24 months.
The next step is review by Mayor and Council. A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 19. Formal public notice will be issued shortly. Stay tuned for more information about how to participate in this hearing!